From Grow Smart Rhode Island, the New Public Transit Alliance Group [and ECRI]:
On Thursday, October 25, 2007, you're invited to join leaders from government, the private sector and community organizations to explore a long term vision for sustainable transportation in Rhode Island.
Register Now!
The conference will bring together community stakholders and a nationally recognized expert to examine what needs to happen in order to make mass transit a more viable option for Rhode Island's future.
* Thursday, October 25, 2007 *
Morning Program (8:30a - 1:00p)
URI Providence Campus
Keynote presentation by Charles Hales,
Senior Hales
VP of Transit Planning, HDR, Inc.
Charlie Hales is a strategic planner with a focus on livable communities, transit, innovation, and public-private partnerships. As a Commissioner of Planning and Transportation for the City of Portland, Hales established a record as a national leader in the integration of land-use planning and transportation project design, in pedestrian and transit-oriented development, and in innovative financing for infrastructure projects. His background includes leading the team that built America's first new streetcar lines in 50 years (Portland, OR), as well as creating a wide variety of civic plans for many diverse communities.
Panel 1 - Mass Transit
Chris Wilhite (Moderator), Executive Director, The Sierra Club RI Chapter
Mark Therrien, Assistant General Manager of Planning, Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Kevin Flynn, Associate Director, RI Division of Planning
John Sinnott, Senior Development Director, Struever Brothers, Eccles & Rouse
TBD, Providence Department of Planning and Economic Development
Panel 2 - Individual Transit
Tom Sgouros (Moderator), Editor, RI Policy Reporter
Ann Tate, Professor of Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design
Chris Bull, Workshop Coordinator, Recycle-A-Bike
Jack Madden, Owner, The Hub Bicycle Shop
Networking Lunch
Rally for Transportation Alternatives (5:30 p)
(Rhode Island State House)
Join others at the Rhode Island State House north steps to advocate for better public transit, bicycle commuter routes and signs, sidewalks and crosswalks.
Community Meeting (6:30p - 8:30p)
(Local 121 Restaurant, Providence)
Find out how to get your community group involved in the effort to get better mass transit, bicycle commuting and walkability in Rhode Island.
7:00p Guest Speaker: Charles Hales
(see above)
7:25p The New Public Transit Alliance
7:40p Networking Social
Film: Taken for a Ride
8:30p Close
Register Now!
(early bird registration deadline extended)
$20 if you register by Friday, 10/19
$35 after that date
Public Meeting concerning Striping Bike Lanes on Blackstone Boulevard, Providence ~ March 3, 2008
From Summit (Providence) Neighborhood Association:
The Providence Bicycle Coalition notes on their blog that there will be a public meeting at School One (220 University Ave), at 7pm Monday, March 3rd, to gather community input about striping bike lanes on Blackstone Blvd.
The East Coast Greenway project intends to link existing bike paths via Blackstone Blvd, making it part of the Greenway and Providence the hub of cycling in RI.
As you can see from the blog, support from the cycling community may not be unanimous, so if you think this is a good idea, consider attending the meeting on the 3rd.
John Howard, SNA President
Posted at 10:31 PM in *Event~Public Comment, Hearings, Meetings, Surveys, Transportation ~ Intermodal, Public, Bus, Car, Train, Plane, Bike & Walking Paths, Complete Streets | Permalink | Comments (0)
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