Training Workshop for Local Officials and Site Designers Set for April 8th
Press Release
PROVIDENCE - The Department of Environmental Management and the Coastal Resources Management Council announce the completion of the Rhode Island Low Impact Development Site Planning and Design Guidance Manual (LID manual). This new low impact development (LID) manual is a companion guide to the recently revised Rhode Island Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual (stormwater manual).
The LID manual was specifically developed to provide local planning officials with guidance and examples of how their ordinances can be amended to avoid and reduce stormwater impacts from new development or redevelopment, and encourage effective implementation of LID practices. The recommended site-planning and design techniques can help preserve community character, reduce flooding impacts, and save costs for municipal operation and maintenance. “This new guidance tool for low impact development was developed to assist our community partners accommodate desirable growth without sacrificing the environment or the quality of life that Rhode Islanders enjoy,” noted DEM Director Janet Coit. “The new LID manual provides excellent examples and guidance to assist local decision-makers in making minor adjustments to existing ordinances to meet the goals of avoiding and reducing impacts to our public waters,” said Grover Fugate, Executive Director of CRMC.
In the past, stormwater management was primarily an engineering exercise to collect and dispose of runoff as quickly as possible. The new Rhode Island Stormwater Design and Installation Standards Manual, however, changes stormwater management to encourage or require more creative site-planning and design, as well as better engineering and maintenance practices in keeping with the requirements of the Smart Development for a Cleaner Bay Act of 2007.
The new stormwater manual requires LID practices for all major development, representing a fundamental shift in how development projects are planned and designed. LID is a more comprehensive and effective approach to managing stormwater that uses site-planning and design techniques that store, infiltrate, evaporate, and detain runoff as close as possible to the point where precipitation reaches the ground.
LID can be used to accommodate growth and reduce the environmental impact of site development. Many of the LID concepts employ non-structural onsite treatment that can reduce the cost of infrastructure while maintaining or even increasing the value of the property relative to conventionally-designed developments. In the past the landscape was altered significantly to fit the conventional style of development, whereas the LID process is reversed such that the development is designed to fit the landscape and its natural features.
DEM is partnering with the Narragansett Bay Research Reserve’s Coastal Training Program to offer training on the new Rhode Island Low Impact Development Site Planning and Design Guidance Manual for local officials and site designers. A free training workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Friday, April 8 at DEM Headquarters at 235 Promenade Street in Providence. To register, contact Jennifer West at 222-4700 ext 7413 or via email at [email protected]
The LID manual is available on DEM’s website at For questions or more information on the LID manual, contact Scott Millar at 222-4700 ext 4419 or via email at [email protected]
Contact: RI DEM Gail Mastrati 222-4700 ext. 2402
TONIGHT! Community Forum on proposed I-195 Redevelopment District Commission ~ June 13, 2011
BetterProvidence & Common Cause RI
on the
Proposed creation of the
I-195 Redevelopment District Commission
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Doors open at 5:00 pm
The Spot Underground
15 Elbow St., Providence, RI 02903
Jewelry District Association
Fox Point Neighborhood Association
Greater City: Providence
American Institute of Architects Rhode Island
Last week, the RI Senate passed legislation to create a redevelopment district and a redevelopment district commission to be responsible for the use of land becoming available in Providence as a result of the relocation of I-195. The bill was introduced by Senate Majority Leader Dominick J. Ruggerio (D-Dist. 4, Providence, North Providence) and co-sponsored by the other members of the Providence Senate delegation. READ PRESS RELEASE HERE
The legislation is expected to be voted on in the House of Representatives soon.
Confirmed speakers at tonight's forum include:
Some key areas to be discussed include:
Does the proposed Commission best serve the public interest, including the people of the City of Providence, as well as the State of Rhode Island?Has there been sufficient public input in the legislative process?Is the proposed commission an effective way to ensure efficient economic development of this large State-owned land parcel in Providence -- or is it "the next secure feed bag for the well-connected," as described by the Providence Journal editors?
Forum Moderator: Mike Ritz, Executive Director of Leadership Rhode Island and I Heart Providence
This event is free and open to the public
Cash Bar
Plenty of on-street free parking
RSVP to: Karina Holyoak Wood
Hope to see you tonight!
Karina Holyoak Wood
Executive Director,
Source: BetterProvidence email
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