Apply by January 15 for Spring 2013 Street Trees from PNPP
Contact: Liz Downing, Director 401.368-5380 [email protected]
8 Third Street Providence, RI 02906
If you are interested in planting trees in your neighborhood this Spring, now is the time to apply for a Neighborhood Street Tree Planting Award from PNPP. Applications are due Tuesday January 15, 2013 and require a bit of legwork in your neighborhood to complete, so act now to meet the deadline.
The Providence Neighborhood Planting Program (PNPP) is a partnership of the Mary Elizabeth Sharpe Street Tree Endowment, the City of Providence and Providence residents that plants trees in Providence neighborhoods along sidewalks. Since 1988, The Mary Elizabeth Sharpe Street Tree Endowment has matched Providence Parks Department funds to provide trees, soil, sidewalk preparation, and tree delivery at no cost to Providence residents who apply for and receive a Neighborhood Street Tree Planting Award. To date, PNPP has planted 9,530 street trees with the help of 753 neighborhood groups.
To receive street trees through the Neighborhood Street Tree Planting Award, neighborhoods will need a volunteer to complete the application and help PNPP organize the planting. Complete applications include: requests from at least five properties for at least one tree at each property within a one to two city block area and a commitment from the property owners and/or residents requesting trees to plant their tree on planting day, water the tree weekly and weed the area around the tree regularly. If a resident requesting a tree does not own the property, PNPP will need documentation of property owner consent to the tree planting.
PNPP considers Elmwood, Federal Hill, Lower and Upper South Providence, Olneyville, Reservoir, Smith Hill, Valley, Washington Park and West End neighborhoods high priority planting areas and encourages applications from these neighborhoods especially. However, all Providence neighborhoods are eligible for tree awards.
This fall, PNPP facilitated the planting of 225 street trees in the following Providence Neighborhoods: Blackstone, Charles, Elmhurst, Elmwood, Federal Hill, Reservoir, Valley, and West End.
Trees 2020 ( offers low cost trees for private property planting. When PNPP applicants order a minimum of 5 trees for private property through Trees 2020, PNPP will deliver all the trees together, helping their neighborhood to plant as many trees as possible in one day.
Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to the Mary Elizabeth Sharpe Street Tree Endowment (MESSTE), an advised fund of the Rhode Island Foundation. Your donation will go toward street tree planting throughout Providence.
Audubon: RI's air quality will be threatened if this Bill passes ~ Hearing June 16, 2011
From the Audubon Society of Rhode Island:
House Bill No. 5315, sponsored by Rep. Brien, entitled, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- ENERGY proposes to allow burning of garbage in Woonsocket. Air pollutants, including potential dioxins plus increased acid rain and fog accompany incineration.
Burning garbage to generate energy is inefficient and unhealthy.
Air pollutants don't know town boundaries. This is not just a Woonsocket issue.
Current RI General Law says:
R.I.G.L. §23-19-3 declares that the "ultimate solid waste management objective of the state is to maximize recycling and reuse of solid waste."
R.I.G.L. §23-19-3(16) declares that it is a policy of the state that "incineration of solid waste is the most costly method of waste disposal with known and escalating costs that would place substantial and unreasonable burdens on both state and municipal budgets to the point of seriously jeopardizing the public's interest." (emphasis added).
Air pollutants move.
Your taxes or disposal fees are at risk.
Please call or email your State Representative to express your concerns. To find your state rep use the links in the right-hand column.
Use this sample letter/ talking points:
Dear Rep. or Sen. _____________________:
As your constituent, I am concerned about the H-5315, proposing a municipal waste incinerator for Woonsocket.
Woonsocket claims it will help their finances, but I am concerned about my family's health.
Incinerating municipal waste can create dioxins, increase the acidity of atmospheric moisture (rain & snow), and vaporize toxic elements in the trash.
I wonder whether there will be sufficient enforcement in DEM, given recent budget cuts, to protect air quality from this proposed facility. Air does not recognize town boundaries.
We live in the "air shed" of a Woonsocket incinerator.
I think about the transportation of toxic ash from this plant, potentially through our communities.
Please oppose this legislation.
Thank you, [your name]
If you would like more information on this important issue or help in contacting your representative, please contact me directly.
Please share this information with friends and neighbors by using the "forward email" button below or spread the word on Facebook.
Eugenia Marks
Senior Director of Policy
Audubon Society of Rhode Island
[email protected]
Contact your representative
Find the contact info. for your state representatives by clicking on the links below:
Your Representative
Your Senator
Just scroll down to "View general voter information", enter your address, and hit search. That's it!
You can click on each official's name to get all their contact info and other details.
When you feel strongly about an issue, let them know-it really does make a difference.
Ed. note: There is a hearing today on this bill in the House Committee on Municipal Government at the Rise of the House (after they meet in their session this afternoon), which will be somewhere around 4:30 or 5:00pm.
House Bill No. 5315
BY Brien
02/09/2011 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government
03/24/2011 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
03/24/2011 Committee recommended measure be held for further study
06/16/2011 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration
Posted at 11:37 AM in **Families, Children, Teens, **Home Owners, *Event~Public Comment, Hearings, Meetings, Surveys, Air ~ Quality, Emissions, Waste, Recycling, Contamination, Brownfields, Litter, Invasives | Permalink | Comments (0)
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