The Rhode Island Association of Conservation Districts (RIACD) has been awarded $148,853 in grant money by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). The grant is called a Beginning Farmer Rancher Development grant. This type of grant is used to help beginning farmers or ranchers in ways that makes it easier for them to get answers to their questions as well as help them learn about the business of farming in today’s ever changing world.
The RIACD will partner with URI, UCONN, and a number of private and public entities to help beginning farmers in three basic ways. There will be a feasibility study done to determine if an equipment bank would be financially viable in the State of Rhode Island as well as Eastern CT and Southeastern MA. There will also be a web tool created that will allow beginning farmers to ask questions and be directed to places where they can access answers to those questions. Lastly, there will be a series of modules that will teach the beginning farmer about his or her business and how to create a financial plan.
For additional information, please contact:
Richard Went, RIACD President
2283 Hartford Avenue
Johnston, RI 02919
401- 934-0840 or 401-345-3974
[email protected]
National Farm Bill Reform Rally ~ April 5, 2011
On Tuesday, April 5, concerned citizens around the country are calling on Congress to reform the Farm Bill in 2012.
What is the Farm Bill? It is the clearest example of special interests distorting American democracy. Indeed, nearly every major American newspaper and advocacy groups from all sides of the political spectrum, from the Heritage Foundation to the Sierra Club, recognize that the Farm Bill causes widespread damage to America's land, economy, health, culture, and international standing.
Protests are happening in Austin, Boston, Chicago, Ann Arbor, Ithaca, New York; Princeton, New Jersey; Meadville, Pennsylvania; Northfield, Minnesota; Walla Walla, Washington; and Providence, Rhode Island!
Join us in Providence: Burnside Park (next to Kennedy Plaza) at 4:30-5:30 pm.
Questions? Please email [email protected].
Read more at Also see FarmBillOne-Pager
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