If you have a coat to give, please drop it off.
If you need a coat, please pick one up.
- State House lawn (directly across from Providence Place mall) (rain location St Johns Cathedral 271 N Main St Providence)
- Pawtucket Visitors Center, 175 Main St. Pawtucket
On November 25th 2011 – the busiest day in the American retail calendar and the unofficial start of the international Christmas-shopping season – thousands of activists and concerned citizens in 65 countries will take a 24-hour consumer detox as part of the annual Buy Nothing Day, a global phenomenon that originated in Vancouver, Canada.
Some see it as an escape from the marketing mind games and the frantic consumer binge that has come to characterize the holiday season and our culture in general. Others use it to expose the environmental and ethical consequences of over-consumption. In Providence as part of International Buy Nothing Day, we hold a winter coat exchange on the lawn of the State House directly across from Providence Place mall. In Pawtucket the transfer of coats takes place at the Blackstone Valley Visitors Center. Events are also held at 4 other locations in Rhode Island. There are many partners for this event: community organizations, places of worship, civic, and environmental groups. Volunteers are needed to help with this life-affirming event.
Contact information: Providence
- Greg Gerritt: 331-0529; [email protected];
- Phil Edmonds: 461-3683; [email protected]
Pawtucket - Arthur Pitt 396-1918; [email protected]
Other participating locations
- Newport – St Paul's Church 12 West Marlborough St. 10 AM to Noon Maggie Bulmer 846-0966
- Wakefield --St. Francis Church, 114 High Street, 10AM to noon Tom Abbott 364-0778
- Barrington Bayside Family YMCA 70 West St Connie Ganley [email protected]
- Warwick Kent County YMCA 900 Centerville Rd 8218-0130