The House Environment Committee will be holding a hearing at the rise (around 4:30 pm) on Thursday on three bills. One of those bills, H7195, would direct DEM to establish trails on state-land for 4 wheeling.
House Bill No. 7195
BY Winfield, Petrarca
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PARKS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS (would provide for the establishment of four-wheel drive (4x4) trails on state owned land.)
01/19/2012 Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources
01/31/2012 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/02/2012)
There are problems with this legislation: user conflicts, land management challenges, and other issues as they relate to allowing 4 wheeling on DEM/state land- or more broadly on land protected/procured using federal and private funding that restricts such a use. The challenges to establishing 4 wheeling trails on DEM land are numerous and would add responsibilities and costs for DEM at a time when resources are being reduced.
FYI: Here are links to the committee and to contact information for all members of the RI House of Representatives: