Announcing New and Improved Land Use Training
for Municipal Officials
The RI Land Use Training Collaborative will be offering the following workshops:
NEW! Smart Growth and Community Planning
May 26th 2011
Warwick City Hall
NEW! Conducting Effective Land Use Reviews
June 16th 2011
Johnston Senior Center
5:30-9:00 PM
June 23rd 2011
Middletown Police Department
Community Room
5:30-9:00 PM
Writing Sound Decisions
Will be offered Fall 2011
Smart Growth and Community Planning: Led by professional land-use planners, provides the foundation material that all municipal officials need to proactively fulfill their community planning responsibilities.... RECOMMENDED FOR ALL PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS AND FOR TOWN COUNCILS AND INTERESTED CITIZENS.
Conducting Effective Land Use Reviews: Led by experienced land use attorneys and planners, this workshop will guide you through your legal responsibilities as a public official in Rhode Island and discuss in detail the legally required procedures and best practices that should be followed in conducting land use reviews. ... RECOMMENDED FOR ALL PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS AND MUNICIPAL PLANNERS AND SOLICITORS.
Writing Sound Decisions: Taught by a Rhode Island land-use attorney, this workshop is designed to help municipal planners, legal staff, boards and commissions write decisions whose content will hold up in court and whose clarity will make them readily understandable for both enforcement officers and property owners. It is specifically intended to address the problem, noted repeatedly in recent Superior Court and Supreme Court decisions, that written decisions coming out of municipal planning boards and zoning boards do not explain how the evidence contained in the record led the board to reach its conclusions. RECOMMENDED FOR ALL PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS AND MUNICIPAL PLANNERS AND SOLICITORS.
Are you on a municipal board or commission? Scholarships may be available. Please contact Lauren Pendergast at [email protected] or (401) 273-5711 x6 for more information.
Press Release from Grow Smart RI