Those of us who love the farmers' markets may want to skim through the RI Agricultural Partnership 5-year strategic plan that will guide the development of one of Rhode Island's fastest growing economic sectors. It was released at Agriculture Day at the State House yesterday.
A Vision for Agriculture includes all Rhode Islanders. Did you know farms comprise 11% of Rhode Island land? I quote the Vision in full:
"By 2016, we envision a Rhode Island in which:
- Officials and citizens understand the critical importance of farms and farmlands to Rhode Island’s economy, environment, public health, community character and livability;
- State and local governments support and promote agriculture, recognizing that farms are important cultural, recreational and educational centers in addition to small businesses that produce locally grown farm products such as dairy, fibers, fruits, grains, honey and other apicultural products, horticultural and nursery products, livestock, poultry, seafood, turf grass and vegetables;
- A sustainable and well-coordinated farming and food system encourages profitable farm businesses by providing:
- A full range of business and technical resources and services for new and existing farmers;
- Improved state and regional food and farm infrastructure;
- A secure and affordable land base for agricultural operations;
The paper is only 24 pages and worth reading. Other sections of the plan are:
Section II: The Importance of Agriculture
Section III: Opportunities and Challenges
Section IV: Goals and Strategies
Section V: Implementation and Next Steps