Each year Environment Council of RI (ECRI) Education Fund gives small grants to three RI schools for environmental projects, The Loraine Tisdale Environmental Education Awards. This years recipients were Community Prep, the Green School, and St Luke¹s in Barrington. All of the money to pay for these awards is raised by the Tisdale raffle, honoring Loraine¹s commitment to environmental education, and her great ability as a raffle ticket seller. Raffle tickets are now available for $5.00 a piece from the ECRI office, with checks made out to the ECRI Ed Fund. Mail to the address in the footer. If you send in money we shall send you back you stubs. DRAWING is at the May ECRI meeting on May 2.
We have 7 great prizes, topped this year by tickets to the Newport Jazz Festival.
If you want to sell some tickets, call or email me at the office.
Your participation is greatly appreciated. greg gerritt
Environment Council of Rhode Island
PO Box 9061
Providence RI 02940
(401) 621-8048