[Press Release]-- RIRC&D President Harriet Powell announced that the 4th annual RI Coverts Cooperator Class will be held at URI’s W. Alton Jones Whispering Pine Conference Center, April 15 - 17, 2011.
The RI Coverts Project is a program of the RIRC&D and its partners designed to educate woodland owners on sound forest management practices that can make wildlife healthier, more diverse and abundant. Its goals are to create a network of landowners and opinion leaders who are able to work on wildlife and forest management issues and serve as a source of information to other landowners, their organizations and communities.
A “coverts” (pronounced kuh-vert) is an old English word that refers to a thicket that provides sheltering cover for wildlife. This year, up to twenty woodland owners will be chosen to participate in the two and onehalf day workshop that focuses on forest ecology and stewardship, wildlife management and land conservation. The training consists of both indoor and field sessions, as well as informal time to learn from fellow participants. In addition, each participant is given materials to take home. All costs of the seminar including meals, lodging, and reference materials, are covered with the exception of the registration fee which is only $100.00. In exchange, we will ask participants to return to their communities and share what they’ve learned with others and to become part of a state-wide coverts cooperator network. Participants will be kept supplied with reference materials that allow them to either answer questions on forest and wildlife management, or direct the questioner to the proper professionals.
Now in its 4th year, the project has trained 57 landowners from across the state through its two and one-half day workshop that focuses on forest ecology and stewardship, wildlife management and land conservation. A model of a successful conservation, the participating landowners cumulatively own and manage 1,771 acres and manage another 6,199 acres for other people and/or groups.
Powell said that,”We hope that more woodland owners will participate in the project and serve to promote the sustainability of Rhode Island forests.”
Anyone interested in participating in the program, or who would like more information, should contact Paul Boisvert, RI Coverts Project Coordinator, at: 401-822-8878 or email at [email protected].
The RI Coverts Project is sponsored by the Rhode Island Resource Conservation & Development Area (RIRC&D), the University of Rhode Island - Department of Natural Resources Science (URI), the RI Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS), the RI Department of Environmental Management Division’s of Fish and Wildlife (DFW), and Forest Environment (DFE), USDA-NRCS, and the RI Forest Conservators Organization (RIFCO).