New Funding Opportunity for the Narragansett Bay Watershed
Initial project summaries are due May 2, 2011.
On April 14, 20, and 26, EPA will be hosting information sessions via conference call.
I am very pleased to announce that EPA New England has just released an RFP seeking initial proposals for projects that target the Narragansett Bay watershed under the 2011 Healthy Communities Grant program. I have posted the official announcement at the end of this message. The purpose of my message is to highlight that the Narragansett Bay watershed is one of the priority areas targeted for funding in this year’s solicitation, and to make sure interested parties are aware of the requirements specific to a Narragansett Bay watershed proposal.
The summary information below is excerpted from the full RFP announcement to provide information pertaining specifically to eligibility and project requirements for proposals addressing the Narragansett Bay watershed investment and program area, which is one of several identified in the RFP. For detailed information on the eligible geographic area and for insight into watershed priorities for the Narragansett Bay watershed, please see the watershed map and draft Narragansett Bay Region Integrated Plan available at Applicants should review and comply with all official requirements for submitting applications and guidance on the full suite of investment and program areas, including the Narragansett Bay watershed, found at .
For projects addressing the Narragansett Bay watershed, eligible applicants may submit initial project summaries for proposals up to $25,000 for single-state projects taking place in Massachusetts or Rhode Island, and up to $40,000 for projects with a Narragansett Bay bi-state (Massachusetts and Rhode Island) watershed focus. In either case, a 25 percent match on the total proposal budget is required. Based on the quality of eligible initial submissions, EPA will invite finalists to submit full project proposals for further evaluation. Project periods will be for one or two years, starting no earlier than August 1, 2011.
Initial project summaries are due May 2, 2011. On April 14, 20, and 26, EPA will be hosting information sessions via conference call to explain the grant program and application process to potential applicants. You must register to participate.
To request a copy of the Healthy Communities Grant Program Application Guidance, please contact Jennifer Padula, Healthy Communities Grant Program, US EPA New England, 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100 (OEP06-2), Boston, MA 02109-3912, by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 617-918-1698.
Source: NBAY-L.