Global warming is already increasingly producing harmful impacts on humanity and all species around the globe. How will social issues such as immigration pressures, food insecurity, access to drinking water and year-round utilities be impacted? What are its implications for RI? What can we do to prevent or lessen an impending crisis?
Rhode Island Interfaith Power and Light is organizing its 2011 conference, entitled “A Social Justice Response to Climate Change.” It is hosted by La Salle Academy, Providence, RI, on the evening of Thursday, March 24, 2011, from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
For a lively Panel Discussion of how science, economics, policy and faith bear on this important issue through the lens of social justice, along with educational workshops, tours of LaSalle’s solar greenhouse, kick-off of the IPL Food & Faith program with multi-faith blessings and a taste of RI local foods and an expanded exhibit section, the RI-IPL Low-Carbon Footprint Fair featuring alternative energy providers & more. Interested in exhibiting? View the details on vending options on-line.
Early sponsors of the conference include Beneficent Congregational Church, Blarney Stone Consulting, Community Relations Council of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island, La Salle Academy, Newman Church, UCC, and Unitarian Universalist Church of South County.
Register online and pre-select the workshop of your choice. Thank you, and we will see you there!