Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, the RI Land Trust Council and RI Association of Conservation Commissions are excited to announce the 2011 Land & Water Conservation Summit at the URI Memorial Union, Lower College Rd, Kingston, RI. Register today for this popular networking conference.
Keynote: Steve Sloan – Greater Boston Regional Director, The Trustees of Reservations: Connecting People to Place and Your Conservation Mission
This day-long conference provides Watershed Council, Land Trust, and Conservation Commission board members, staff, volunteers and others interested in land and watershed conservation with the information, skills and connections you need to be effective! The Summit is the best place each year to network with your colleagues - land and water conservation leaders - from around the state!
Ø Attend Workshops – Choose 3 from over 25 Workshops Offered
Ø Network with RI Conservation Leaders
Ø Attend RI Land Trust Council’s Annual Meeting
Ø Peter Merritt Award for Land Conservation
Ø Legislative Update
Ø Visit Exhibits
Ø Learn how you and your organization can Be More Effective!
Don’t Miss it! Plan to Attend!