EPA’s New England office is working collaboratively with Beyond Benign to sponsor a Green Chemistry Networking Forum on Dec. 16 at the MIT Faculty Club in Cambridge. The forum is a free event meant to support and help further develop a network of cutting-edge scientists engaged in finding safer, less-toxic chemical uses to advance sustainability in our society.
Green Chemistry is the design, development, and implementation of products, materials, and processes to reduce or eliminate the use and generation of toxic and hazardous waste. Green Chemistry is a philosophy and approach to design new materials and products derived from renewable feedstock. Green Chemistry considers the entire life cycle of the materials and products manufactured.
The networking forum will take place on Dec. 16, 2010 at the MIT Faculty Club – 6th Floor, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge Mass. between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
The goals of the forum are to:
- Bring together green chemistry practitioners and potential customers and/or funders
- Enlist participation in strategic groups
- Showcase the many successful green chemistry activities in New England
The focus of the meeting is networking:
- Network with green chemistry leaders in
- Education
- Government
- Industry
- Investment and Development
- Healthcare
- Advocacy
- Participate in creating a sustainable green chemistry future
- Showcase your work with a poster or table exhibit
There is no cost for the Forum but registration is required.
Please register by December 10, 2010, space is limited.
Source: Press release and Forum website