What Grows On in Rhode Island Calendar now lists the upcoming events for toddlers through teens, plus lots of Halloween fun and Santa sightings for the holidays. Check out the Children's subcalendar and search through the events by keyword. The events link through to the zoo's website so you can find out even more details.
Programs for toddlers and preschoolers focus on animals, such as giraffes and bats. The big kids (ages 6-12) have lots of opportunities ~ Zoo Explorers, KidzArt, Roots & Shoots ~ but some of the clubs have very limited enrollments so sign up soon. Same goes for teens ~ Teenns for Planet Earth (ages 13-17) has a class size of 5 to 8, so if this interests your teen, sign up very soon.
FYI, Audubon Society of RI events are also in the Calendar through September, and they also require registration and experience high demand. Because both Audubon, Zoo, and other groups' events are integrated into What Grows On in Rhode Island, along with adult and general environmental activities, it helps families plan being more active outdoors.