This information is from Rhode Islanders for Clean Air ([email protected])
RE: RI House of Representatives Legislation: H 5218 Outdoor Hydronic Heaters, commonly known as wood boilers
As anticipated our legislature will try to vote this bill out of committee in hopes of it getting passed on the house floor by the end of the session. The hearing is for Thursday June 25th,2009, at the rise of the house (aprox 4:30). If everyone has done their part and contacted their representative it should not pass the floor. Obviously we need to stop it in committee. If everyone can please show their support and come to the hearing. Below is a list of what the bill must contain:
The most important is a limit on the amount of Particulate a boiler can emit measured in GRAMS PER HR. The bill currently only allows for a reduction to .32 lbs. mm/ btu This allows the device to emit anywhere from 18 to 71 grams per hr. (a woodstove emits 4 ½ ) The Nescaum model rule (which assists states in regulating OWB’s) limits the boilers to 15 grams per hr. The EPA, Nescaum, the department of health and all of us living and breathing OUR air want a limit of particulate matter measured in grams per hr.