From Farm Fresh Rhode Island's email newsletter today:
Fresh for All of Our Neighbors: 750 Pounds of Corn Harvest and Donated to the Food Bank!
Two weeks ago, Farm Fresh RI got a call from Cooks Valley Farm about an abundance of corn in their fields. The farmers didn't have enough time or staff to harvest the corn, so a few volunteers traveled to Wrentham to pick some ears and deliver them to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. After just two hours, Lindsay, the Farm Fresh RI Food Systems Intern, and her friend Emilia picked 750 pounds of corn and delivered it to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank!
The next few weeks are a great time spend a few hours outdoors and volunteer! At this time of year there's plenty to be gleaned at most farms, but many farmers don't have the time to harvest and drive to the Food Bank themselves. Gather some friends, family and a truck for a gleaning day on a farm, and help make a farm-to-food-bank connection that will address local hunger!
If you are interested in joining the e-mail list to learn about volunteer opportunities for harvesting fruits and veggies over the next few week, email Jessica Knapp and ask to be put on the list. We'll send out an alert anytime there's a farm with an abundance of food to be donated to the Food Bank.