Location: URI Outreach Center at Roger Williams Park Botanical Center, Elmwood Ave, Providence, RI
The University of Rhode Island will be offering a six-week evening class on Mondays, beginning September 22, 2008, and running through October 27. Classes will be held in Providence at the URI Outreach Center at Roger Williams Park Botanical Center. Directions will be sent with the confirmation notice.
The course will be useful to both new and experienced gardeners. The class will be taught by URI Master Gardeners and staff from the CELS Outreach Center.
There are no prerequisites for this class other than the desire to become an environmentally aware gardener. The format will be lectures with a walking tour at the end. Come prepared with your problems and questions!
This course can be considered an introduction to the Master Gardener program administered by the University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension.
Course fee: $120 per person (includes all reference materials).
Registration limited to a maximum of 40 people on a first come, first served basis.
All classes take place from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Sept 22 Soils and Fertilizer Basics – Learn about RI soils and how to amend them. David Hughes, URI Master Gardener
Sept. 29 Vegetable Garden Management – we’ll explore the basic methods to achieve an organic garden. We will also discuss the most common pests encountered. Rosanne Sherry, MG Coordinator
Oct 6 Perennials 101 – What you need to know about selection and maintenance to enjoy a successful garden. Jo-Ann Bouley, Education Coordinator RWP Botanical Center
Oct 20 Garden Skills –Common Pests and Organic Controls - What’s bugging you in the garden? Learn about the many organic products available and how and when to use them. Bring a sample or photo of a problem you had this season. Rosanne Sherry
Oct 27 How to be a “Greener” Gardener – Learn about composting, conserving and protecting water resources. – Kate Venturini, Coastal Landscape Program Coordinator and Sejal Lanterman, Master Composter Coordinator
Saturday Special October 18 10AM-12PM Houseplant Care and Botanical Center tour. Start with a talk on Houseplant Care and Selection and then stroll with URI Master Gardener docents through the lush tropical greenhouses at the Botanical Center. Bring one problem houseplant for ID and problem solving.