Grants will provide up to 50 percent of funding, up to a maximum of $250,000 per project, to protect open space lands that possess significant natural, ecological, agricultural or scenic values, by direct purchase or conservation easements. Special consideration will be given to projects that provide linkages between or expansion of existing preserved lands.
- A total of up to $2.5 million is available during this round of the grant program.
- All projects must be able to close within 18 months of the award date – no extensions will be granted beyond this time frame.
- All grant applications will be reviewed and scored by the Rhode Island Natural Heritage Preservation Commission Advisory Committee according to the “Rules and Regulations” for the program. The highest scoring grant applications will be forwarded to the Rhode Island Natural Heritage Preservation Commission for approval.
- Grants will be awarded in December 2008 from the RI Open Space Bond Authorizations of 2000 and 2004.
- DEM strongly advise all applicants to insure that DEM has up to date information for all land parcels preserved by local partners; forms to provide this information will be on the website.
- "Preservation of open space is vital to safeguarding our quality of life in Rhode Island," Governor Carcieri said. "Our foresight in funding these grants is keeping important open spaces for ourselves and our descendents to enjoy." Under the last round of grants – with a RFP in 2006 – $5 million was awarded in grants for17 projects across the state to protect almost 1,600 acres of land.
Information: Grant applications, rules and regulations and the application process are available from the DEM Website: <> Lisa Primiano (401) 222-2776 x 4307 [email protected]