From EPA via NBAY-L:
Sustainable Watersheds Workshop on Thursday, March 20, 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Doyle Conservation Center in Leominster.
This meeting of the Massachusetts Watershed Coalition will examine green designs and open space plans that can sustain the health of local watersheds. Sprawling towns across the state have witnessed rapid changes in their rural character, water resources, wildlife habitats, working forests and farms.
Governor Patrick has wisely envisioned the need for more land conservation in his Environmental Bond Bill to help protect cherished natural resources and community amenities. With home building at low ebb, communities can consider new tools for growth management. Conservation subdivisions, transfer of development rights and traditional neighborhood design have enabled towns to achieve diverse benefits. Low impact design will also prevent sprawl and help to restore local streams and ponds. When combined with municipal open space plans, these techniques can preserve the unique watershed resources of New England.
Meeting panelists will discuss conservation design and share winning examples of how to bring this broader view to the planning board's table. Concurrent workshops will follow to explain the nuts and bolts of conservation design tools, as well as strategies for preparing municipal open space plans and using conservation design to protect land in concert with Bond Bill funding.
The Massachusetts Watershed Coalition is assisting towns to grow greener and enact practices that preserve the ecological health of watersheds. This workshop will supply practical guidance for watershed organizations, lake associations, land trusts, municipal officials, town planners, home builders, engineers and concerned citizens. We will email workshop flyers later this month.
This meeting is free, made possible by a grant from the Massachusetts Environmental Trust. Refreshments will be provided. Pre-registration is requested. Please email or call to register, or for more information. Ed Himlan, Massachusetts Watershed Coalition, 325 Lindell Avenue, Leominster, MA 01453(978) 534-0379 or at [email protected]
Margherita Pryor (COP) EPA -- New England One Congress Street Boston MA 02114 617-918-1597 617-918-2064 (FAX) pryor.margherita@