Neil Steinberg: The high cost of ignoring tomorrow.
This op ed by the CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation appeared in the Providence Journal Monday, September 22. I hope you read it already, but if not, click the link above and read it now. So many political decisions take account of short-term consequences only. He urges that Rhode Islanders take the long view and invest in the future of the state, and not just financially...
"...Let’s invest in Rhode Island by buying local products and services. Invest in Rhode Island by pursuing a vibrant civic life. Be informed. Listen, read, debate, praise, donate, volunteer and vote. Invest in Rhode Island by becoming an ambassador for our wonderful state. Learn about its assets and strengths, and share your enthusiasm with others. Investments require being positive about the future. Be optimistic that your time, hard work and dollars will pay off. Invest in Rhode Island by investing in yourself, in our children, in your business by furthering education and training and valuing all jobs that are part of our workforce. Invest in Rhode Island by leading at all levels. Pitch in and help others. Invest in Rhode Island by innovating and collaborating...."