Today I've published a quick and dirty demo site, Rhode Island Environmental Feeds. Even though it's incomplete, it may be useful to some of you, so I've made it go live. It's up to date today, although it might not update regularly each day hence without my pushing a button I may forget to push, but if you go to the actual blogs that interest you, you'll see the latest posts. I'm working on the glitch that's keeping the feeds from automatically updating on RI Environmental Feeds ~ for now this "is what it is."
There are so many news feeds that have to do with Rhode Island's environment that it's high time to make categorized feeds of these feeds. What is that, you say? Other people have explained this well, and Google and Wikipedia can help you find what others have written about RSS and "feeds" ~ but trust me, RSS is a GOOD THING! You'll usually see a little icon that means a website is RSS enabled.
Lots of groups, such as Blithewold, Projo, Audubon, and Save the Bay publish blogs, or blog-like websites. The URI Master Gardeners just started a blog called Digging Rhode Island, and I'm hearing about so many others ~ I can't keep up with the news myself! Having categorized feeds of the feeds is helpful to me, and I hope you find them useful. Send suggestions for making this service even more useful.
I am working on a new website, and I don''t have time to flesh all of this out right now, but if you know of feeds that should be added to this mashup, let me know and I'll get them in as soon as I can.
Meanwhile, if you have anything to do with any organization that covers Rhode Island's environment, look into enabling RSS on your own website so that others can subscribe and redistribute your info automatically and easily.