Happy New Year!
I love starting fresh at the beginning of the year, and The Providential Gardener has high hopes for the future of the garden called Rhode Island that we all share and tend. There's a lot of work to do, but each year there are more people pitching in.
One example is a blog that began in February 2007 called Sustainable Sakonnet: "Bringing the citizens of Tiverton and Little Compton, Rhode
Island, together to create a more environmentally sustainable community
for today and tomorrow." I've added Sustainable Sakonnet to my blogroll.
The author, Bill Gerlach, has a background in marketing and communications. And he has a vision for his community and his neighbors, challenging them to think what Sakonnet towns need to be truly sustainable. He says,
...it is up to individuals and communities to take the lead in shaping a better future. We cannot wait for others to lead; it is up to us to take up that helm with gusto and determination.
Couldn't agree more. I don't think there can be enough blogs and citizens proactively speaking up and taking initiative however they can to bring some sense to our out-of-whack world. Some people can work most effectively on the local level: it would be great to see more bloggers focused on environmental/ecological/sustainable issues particular to each town ~ or for the larger towns and cities, individual neighborhoods. This requires complementing by more general sites, some of which cover particular aspects of importance to the whole state, and others of which focus on different types of information. The more the better in my view. There are so many entry points into the vital issues of caring for our state's natural resources. Different people approach things differently, and no one website can possibly fill all the needs.
You might want to see these and other posts in Sustainable Sakonnet: