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    « Secrets of Expert Rose Gardeners | Main | Rhode Island Real Food Coalition ~ A New Statewide Campus Initiative »

    Thursday, November 15, 2007


    Sue Korte, The Providential Gardener

    Yes, Kris, it sure is a long fall. The maples and some other trees haven't let go all their leaves yet, so it's still a while until we can finish raking leaves. Your Blithewold blog has inspired me to get out and winterize my own yard. There are still things to do outside, including getting the rain barrel indoors. I'll write about my ongoing adventures with the rain barrel soon ~ perfecting my barrel-emptying techniques. Given the quote in another comment to this post, and given that it's not icy winter yet, I've decided to let the rain barrel accumulate some more water for the shrubs to give them an extra boost for the winter.

    Kris at Blithewold

    Thanks for the link, Sue! It's been a long fall hasn't it? And there's still more to do - I'll keep keeping you posted!

    Sue Korte, The Providential Gardener

    I just found this in the New England Wild Flower Society's "Wild e-News" about New England's ONGOING DROUGHT:

    "We've had cooler temperatures and a little rain, but that doesn't mean the 2007 New England drought is over, says Rolf Briggs, Society faculty member, Arborist, and Overseer. This summer's low rainfall totals have significant long-term health effects for trees and shrubs. Even plants in irrigated settings may be affected, and new plantings and mature specimens are especially at risk. Rolf recommends supplemental watering through November (especially if there is no heavy snowfall), soil testing, and a light mulching of bare soil areas."

    Now I know what to do with the rest of the water in my rain barrel!


    P.S. To subscribe to NEWFS e-News, see http://www.newfs.org/membership/member-e-news.html

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