From July Lewis and The Audubon Society's Environmental Book Club:
Last month's book, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard, provoked some very interesting discussion. This was the most poetic material we've read so far, and we discussed her recurring images such as the fighting tom cat, the frog killed by the water bug, and the tree of lights and themes of God, Nature and death. We talked about the state of mind of the author and what kind of pilgrimage she was on and why. We wondered what came after this period in her life of intense seeing at Tinker Creek. Eugenia found a bio of Ann Dillard on the web, which answers a few questions.
Here’s the upcoming reading/meeting schedule:
August 21: Essays on Nuclear Power —available online at, , and They are all different viewpoints on nuclear power, which some environmentalists have begun to support as a way to address global warming.
September 18: The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan. For info:
As always, we will meet at Audubon’s Environmental Education Center from 7-8:30. Directions:
Looking forward to seeing you all next time!
July Lewis, Policy Assistant, Audubon Society of Rhode Island, 401-949-5454 x 3044