If you are out in your automobile this weekend with no particular place to go, or you just like to invent your own events, here are some ideas for exploring Rhode Island (and if you are in your car or near a radio between 8 and 10am on Sunday, listen to the Garden Guys on 920 WHJJ):
- Take a picnic to one of Rhode Island's state parks.
- Stop by one of the farmstands that feature fuit or fruit and vegetables
- Check out an historic home with gardens, or a greenhouse:
- Blithewold Mansion, Gardens & Arboretum (Bristol)
- Coggeshall Farm (Bristol)
- Linden Place (Bristol)
- Prescott Farm (Middletown)
- Smith's Castle (North Kingstown)
For more ideas of places to see, go to Visit Rhode Island's list of sites.
Of course, you could ditch the car and grab your bike for a ride on one of Rhode Island's bikepaths. Also see the Greenways Alliance bikeways page.
Or ditch the car at a parking lot and take a ferry on the Bay. RIPTA has ferries running between Providence and Newport, and between Point Judith and Block Island. There's also one trip between Newport and Block Island each day.
Then there's the Bay Queen, and Blackstone River tours. (Did you jump when you clicked on this link? I always do, but I like the music.) This link is for the Explorer on the Blackstone, but it does not have music. Many more cruises and ferries are listed on the Visit Rhode Island Sightseeing Boat page.
Then there are city parks to wander, like our wonderful Roger Williams Park and Zoo in Providence, with its new Botanical Center. A walk around the lakes is two or three miles. Very lovely. And don't forget Westerly's Wilcox Park. If you didn't get to the Master Gardener Tour last weekend, you can still see the botanical garden at URI.
If you don't have the "Walks & Rambles in Rhode Island" books by Ken Weber, you might want to pick them up soon and start taking the walks. His latest book gives weekend walk ideas in Rhode Island.
- Walks and Rambles in Rhode Island: A Guide to the Natural and Historic Wonders of the Ocean State
- More Walks & Rambles in Rhode Island
So enjoy Rhode Island on your own homemade excursion this weekend or any day this summer!