Yes, there's an S on Rain Barrel Offers! This week there are at least two different barrels offered in Rhode Island at discounted prices:
- The Water Lady's Rain Barrel Offer is good through June. These are 60-gallon GREEN barrels for $75/ea, as pictured in a recent posting on The Providential Gardener. The order form link is in another post about rain barrels. The pickup for these barrels, one of which will easily fit in the back seat of most sedans, is in South County, time TBD.
- Today (Sunday, June 10) in Peter B. Lord's Environmental Journal in ProJo, there is news that the Providence Friends Meeting has arranged for New England Rain Barrel Company to sell 55-gallon BLUE barrels for $68. Orders must be in to New England Rain Barrel (click on the Providence, RI, link) by this Thursday, June 14. The barrels will be distributed from 9am to noon this Saturday (June 16) in the rear parking lot of Hope High School on Hope Street, Providence. Remember that the Farmers' Market will be set up in front of the school at the same time, so it will be a busy place. The Farmers' Market link gives directions to Hope High School if you don't know the way there from wherever you are.