Join organic farmer Trish Garland as she identifies harmful insects in the vegetable, flower, and herb gardens at the Briggs-Boesch Farm, and explains how each pest can be controlled. Garland and her husband, Erik Eacker have been running a 12-acre organic vegetable operation named Ledge Ends Produce since 2004 at the Briggs-Boesch Farm in East Greenwich, a 90-acre property purchased by the East Greenwich Land Trust in 2001. This spring, the farm received its organic certification, which means that the farmers use no dangerous pesticides or herbicides and that the fields are fertilized with only natural products.
Included in this 90 minute workshop will be a presentation by local beekeeper Jason Kerr, who keeps several hives on the property. Kerr will give participants a glimpse into the fascinating world of bees, explaining how the hives work and the benefits they provide to the farm.
This educational program will be wonderful for home gardeners, budding entomologists, and children alike. The workshop will be held Saturday, July 8 at 11:00 am. There is a fee of $8 per adult and $4 per child. Please call ahead to register. For more information contact Trish Garland or Erik Eacker: 401-884-5118.